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Rocket with English - Assessment for Better Learning (Secondary Education)

Do you want to work in a more differentiated manner with English, increase the fun and motivation of your students and achieve higher learning outcomes? In this session, we will talk about a way of working in secondary English classes to cater the needs of each individual learner. Participants will have the chance to see samples of assessment data from various secondary schools and brainstorm over the ways how these assessment results can be used as a tool for better learning. We will also look at the best practices in different countries to see how English language learning has been tailored to the students’ needs based on the assessment results.


Ozgen Bagci
Originally trained as an English teacher, I currently work as an educational consultant, teacher trainer, and ETS-authorized workshop facilitator for the TOEFL Young Students Series. I collaborate with schools and deliver training programs on assessment literacy and understanding assessment data to improve the quality of the English language programs.


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Rob Glandorf
Originally educated as a teacher Economics for secondary education. Nowadays, I work as an educational consultant for the CED-Group in The Netherlands. I’m a discussion partner for boards, directors of schools, school teams, teachers and partnerships in secondary education in particular. I provide training, advice and guidance in the field of educational and teaching skills and strengthening of English teaching.

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